Filipino Chicken Adobo with Quail Egg

Here's how to make Filipino Chicken adobo with Quail Egg

2 tbsp Cane Vinegar ** updated measurement
1/4c. soy sauce
2        Bay leaves
8        Cloves of garlic crushed
1/2 tsp black pepper
1c      Quail egg
3 pc   Chicken thigh/leg or 6 individual pieces of chicken ( dark meat works best with the recipe)

1. Combine all ingredients into a pot and boil on high for 5 mins.
2. After 5 mins, add 1/4 c. water and simmer for 15 mins (make sure liquid doesn't run out)
3. Turn chicken add another 1/4 c. water and simmer again for 15 more minutes or until chicken is tender.
4. Add the quail egg and simmer for 5 mins
5. Heat a frying pan on medium heat and fry chicken pieces until golden brown. Add the liquid and quail egg to pan.

Enjoy this dish with rice

You can watch how I make this dish on YouTube.  
YouTube Link


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