Slow Cooker Chicken Tiniim

Here is an easy way to cook Chicken Tiniim, pronounced Tee-nee-eem which translates to simmered chicken. This dish is typically cooked simmered over the stove. But since I'm a busy mom I tried cooking this with the slow cooker and it worked out great.

Here's how to make slow cooker Chicken Tiniim.

4lbs roasting chicken or one that will fit in a slow cooker
1/3 c. soy sauce
1        bay leaf
1 c.    cherry tomatoes (can use any type, but I really like the sweetness of the cherry tomatoes)
1        large onion diced
2 tbsp butter or margarine

1.  Salt and pepper the chicken on both sides.
2. In the slow cooker, add soy sauce, bay leaf, tomatoes, onions and chicken. Move the chicken around and flip so that it gets a bit coated with the soy sauce.
3. Cook on high for 3 hrs or for 6 hrs on low
4. Once its done cooking, slowly remove the chicken onto a baking sheet. This can be optional since the chicken is fully cool, but I like browning the chicken in the oven for color and extra flavor.
5. With 1 tbsp of butter, brush this over the chicken. Bake in a 425 degree oven for 20 mins until golden brown. Optional: I added some broccoli as well but you can add any veg or no veg at all.
6. Add the remaining 1 tbsp of butter or margarine to the broth.

You can also thicken the broth with flour. But we don't typically do this so I left the broth as it and just added salt and pepper to taste.
This dish is usually served with rice, but today I wanted to keep it healthy so we are just eating this with the broccoli.

To see how I make this check out my YouTube video Slow Cooker Chicken Tiniim


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