Bistek Tagalog Rosettes

Here is a twist on a classic filipino dish called Bistek Tagalog. Typically this dish are slices of marinated beef, onions and potatoes (this is how we grew up eating it). I knew this would be the perfect dish to make into rosettes. The addition of the red pepper sauce makes this dish perfect for a Valentine date dinner.

Here's how to make  my version of Bistek Tagalog (rosette style)

Ingr. for beef marinade:

1 pkg short rib beef (I used hot pot beef since they are very thinly sliced)
4 tbsp soy sauce
1.5 Calamansi juice (You can substitute this for lemon juice 1 tbsp, but I highly recommend using calamansi)
Pinch of black pepper.
Mix all ingredients together, try to keep the beef in strips. Set aside and prepare baking dish.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Slice 2 small onions into 1 inch thick rings. Line the bottom of the dish with the onions. Set aside

Thinly sliced potatoes. I used 2 potatoes which were more than enough. Carefully use a mandolin to slice the potatoes to 1/4 inch thickness. ** the extra potato slices I made into homemade potato chips

Steps to rolling rosettes:

1. Line a cutting board with 7-8 slices of potatoes
2. Add marinated beef on top of potatoes
3. Carefully roll the potato and beef together. (this can be tricky but just keep practicing)
4. Place the rosette into an onion ring
5. Repeat until all onion rings are filled. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
6. Bake covered for 30 mins
7. Remove from oven, uncover and drizzle some oil on top of rosettes. 8. Bake uncovered for another 15 mins to brown the tops of the potato.

Ingr. for red pepper sauce:

1/2 red bell pepper diced
3 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp coconut sugar
1.5 Calamansi juice (or 1 tbsp lemon juice)
1 tbsp cornstarch + 1 tablespoon water
1/4 c. water

1. In a small saucepan, heat 1 tbsp oil.
2. Add the red pepper, saute until slightly soften.
3. Add the soy sauce, sugar, calamansi juice and water.
4. Bring to boil and add cornstarch slurry. Set aside

Add sauce on top of rosettes.
This dish can be eaten alone or accompanied with rice.

Watch how I make this on YouTube How to make bistek tagalog (Rosette Style)


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