Blog #3- Going back to work

Maternity leave has finally come to an end and I have to face the reality that I will be going back to my day job. I've been filming a new series for my YouTube channel so that when I go back to work in May, I don't need to worry about filming. But the question is, will I be able to continue my YouTube journey when I go back to work? Will I even have time to film? I have a 1 year old to raise and a house to maintain; and a husband to feed. I've been so accustomed to waking up at random times at night, naps during the day and the most important part, spending my entire day with the most incredible little man. 

The dream of working from home may not be in the cards for me. I could quit my job and work at some random place where I have the option to work part-time. But of course it also comes down to dollar amount. Having two parents working full-time gives our family financial security. We could go on vacations, we could save for our sons education and we wouldn't have to worry financially. But what about watching your son grow up and being the one to raise him? I go back to a job that's Monday to Friday 8am - 4pm not to mention the commute. I have about 4 hrs after work to be with my son until its time for bedtime. We are very lucky that childcare isn't an issue, but like I said, I want to be the one to raise my son until he goes back to school. Next thing I know, he's a teenager who doesn't want to hangout with me anymore. 

Who knows what will happen in the next couple years, another baby maybe? 
And will I even make YouTube videos? 
Will my YouTube Channel even become "successful"? 


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