Blog # 4 Filming Now That I'm Back at Work

As I mentioned in my previous blog, mat leave is over and I have returned to work. Well fast forward 2 weeks later and here I am now, working Monday through Friday like nothings changed. I am surprised how quickly I adjusted going back to work. Except the first 2 hours on the first day, lets just say I may have needed tissues. But on the positive side, I got a window cubicle. If you work in an office setting you know how hard it is to get "prime real estate", luck of the draw and thanks to friends with connections ;)

Work life is busy but now I am more excited than ever to go home and see my precious little guy. I thought I would be absolutely spent by the time I get home, but it's the complete opposite. I can't wait to spend time with him and to kiss his squishy face. 

Back to how this all affects keeping up my Youtube channel... 

This past weekend I made it a point to film a new series for the month of June. It was a long weekend and I wanted to dedicate at least one day to film. One day, hoping to film at least 3-4hrs of that one day. To make sure everything was organized, I could be detailed oriented, and just take my time. But the over achiever that I am, I only had time to film for a couple hours. Because I still wanted to see my girlfriends for brunch and go to a BBQ with friends in the afternoon. Brunch was at 10am and afternoon BBQ was for 2pm, and I somehow thought I could get everything accomplished in between. One might say, why not film another day. Well there wasn't another day to film and I wanted to bring the food I filmed to the BBQ; and when I plan for something I need to make it happen. 

Baby was napping with his dad, so I had the kitchen all to myself without any distractions. I thawed, cut, chopped, diced and organized everything I needed. I start to film and 10 mins in the memory card is full. Well of course its full, my son just had his 1st Birthday and Baptism, plus it had all the photos from Icing 150 cupcakes in 1 min, which was stop motion, so that was 150 photos of cupcakes on a table. I get flustered and frustrated when I have a plan in place and something goes wrong. I planned on filming 4 dishes, 3 worked; 1 fail, a delicious fail but not video worthy. I did managed to cook and film all within 2.5 hours but when I looked back, I didn't film how I made my main sauce!! Which is pretty much the theme and point of my series. The videos were accidentally deleted when I was clearing the memory card. On the bright side, there is still enough time to shoot before the end of the month. 

Now that I have limited time to shoot, I don't have time to set up 2 cameras, have multiple angles, and show myself; mainly cause I look like a hot mess and no one wants to see that. But the content will still be recipes that I enjoy and love cooking for my family and friends. 

My filming day wasn't exactly my ideal, but I did the best I could do trying to keep up my Youtube channel now that I'm back to working full time, making time for friends and family, being a wife and being a mom. 

Stay tuned next month for my next series =)


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