Chicken Nilaga (Cabbage Soup)- Filipino Slow Cooker Meals

This is the Filipino version of Chicken Noodle Soup, except we don't eat it with noodles, we eat this with rice. Its only made with 4 ingredients- chicken, onion, potatoes, and cabbage. Simple and humble, Chicken Nilaga. It's perfect to eat on cold winter days.

4 pieces bone in chicken thigh and leg
1 onion large diced
4 small potatoes large dice
1 tsp whole black pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp chicken broth powder
half head of cabbage cut into quaters

1. In a slow cooker, add all ingredients except for the cabbage. Mix till chicken broth dissolves.

2. Slow cook for 5hrs on low or 3hrs on high.

3. Add the cabbage quarters and cook on high for 30mins until cabbage is tender.

4. Enjoy with some hot rice or eat by itself.


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