Purple Sweet Potato Jam (Ube Jam)

My son is obsessed with this jam, he will literally just eat this with a spoon. Something I like to do myself hehe I guess he learnt that from me. We don't have the real Ube, which is actually purple yams in the Philippines. So I had to settle for purple sweet potato which is the closes to Ube if you live in Canada. I wasn't sure if it would be as good as the Ube from back home, but surprisingly enough it is just as good. This is a jam to make when you lots of time to spare.  Its a lot of work but you can make it in batches and freeze.

Ingredients: 4 cups mashed purple sweet potato (3 medium size sweet potato) 2.5 cans evaporated milk 2 cans condense milk 1/2 cup sugar 10-12 drops of Ube flavor

1. Peel and chop the purple sweet potato. Add to a large pot of boiling water. Boil until the sweet potato is soft. Mash the sweet potato, if you want a smoother consistency then press the sweet potato through a fine sieve.

2. In a large non stick pan (I'm using a wok) combine all the ingredients. Stir till combine. Then turn the heat to low setting no higher than medium.

3. Stir occasionally so that nothing sticks or clumps. After 30mins the Ube may start to heat up just keep mixing.

4. The Ube will start to thicken keep stirring, you want to the Ube to be nice a thick. It will get there eventually just keep mixing.

5. By 2hrs the Ube should be at the thick consistency, you can keep going if you really want the traditional thick Ube. But I like mine to be more spreadable so I stop when I see that its thick but spreadable.

6. I like to store mine in glass pyrex and then store at the back of fridge. Enjoy with bread or on its own. Its also great for other great baked goods.

** Depending on the sweet potato you will achieve smoother Ube


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