Ube Turon- Purple Yam Spring Rolls


Purple Yam Jam 

Spring Roll wrapper

1/2 cup white sugar

1/4 cup icing sugar

1. Transfer Purple Yam Jam into a pipping bag or ziploc bag. Make sure the jam is at room temperature to easily transfer into the bag. For my homemade >> Purple Yam Jam

2. Separate each spring roll wrapper.

3. Lay flat on a work surface, pipe a layer of purple yam jam. Roll into a spring. See video below for rolling instructions. 

4. Heat oil to medium heat about 350 degrees. 

5. Roll each spring roll into sugar and then fry until golden brown. 

6. Top with icing sugar and enjoy =)

The first time I had Ube Turon was 15 years ago when my family was vacationing in the Philippines. We were staying at a really cute place called Villa Escudero. I still remember the conversation I had with the staff when I was ordering this dessert. I think the actual menu item was banana turon and also had an ube version but ube with banana. I asked the guy "Can I place an order for Turon but with no bananas?" and he responded saying "oooh so Ube Turon ma'am?". I'll never forget how he said it, cause it was in that sweet filipino accent. 

So 15 years later I was finally able to recreate this delicious dessert. 


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