Salted Duck Egg, Tomato & Chicharron | Filipino Side Dish

 Taking this simple tomato and salted duck egg side dish to the next level by adding.... chicharron!!
A cousin of mine taught me to eat chicharron with this tomato/salted duck egg and it was addicting. This side dish goes well with anything grilled seriously or fried. Pork, fish, chicken, seafood anything goes. It adds from freshness with the tomatoes and umami with that salted duck egg, and the chicharron adds an unexpected saltiness and crunch. Make sure to serve right away. 

1 salted duck egg diced
1 cup diced cherry tomatoes 
1/2 cup crushed chicharron (pork rinds)
1 green onion (whites and green separated)

1. Add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. 

2. Serve immediately, garnish with greens of green onions


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